Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Download lagu bullets in the wind angels and airwaves.Lyrics Angels And Airwaves – Bullets In The Wind
Download lagu bullets in the wind angels and airwaves
Over and over again, over and over again Bringing life back from the dead Keeping the captain alive Over and over we go, over and over we go.
So turn up the transistor radio [Verse 2] Drama, trouble, give me some more Cutting deep, going down to the core. Great Scott, the kids in the rain They come together, with the sound of a change [Pre-Chorus] Shut them up, with a four letter word.
We dance like bullets in the wind Over and over again, over and over again Bringing life back from the dead Keeping the captain alive. Over and over we go, over and over we go So turn up the transistor radio [Verse 3] Pick up the beat and drive up with caskets.
Over and over we go, over and over we go So turn up the transistor radio Find more lyrics at lyrics. Kindly like and share our content. Please follow our site to get the latest lyrics for all songs. Vendor List Privacy Policy. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent.
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Pick them up with the sound of your guns [Pre-Chorus] Call him into the white of the eyes Watch him dance when he kicks you aside. Chat her up in a forbidden tone I got you, with your heart in the hand [Chorus] A ritual, the words creep out.
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